Income properties in Trieste and Friuli Venezia Giulia

What would you say if we could give you performance statistics even much before the making of the investment?

Investing in real estate has always been considered one of the safest investments. As property managers we specialize in short-term rentals, we offer investors apartments already used as Tourist Rentals, administered in every aspect bureaucratic and organizational. Each property for sale therefore has a documented earnings history previous managements, with normally increasing trends.

An investor therefore does not just purchase a real estate asset that maintains its price over time, but a property already made profitable in a "turnkey" package.


Buy a managed property
TriesteVillas takes care of all: cleanings, laundry, guests check-in, maintenance and the bureaucratic part.

Safe Investment
In addition to buying an asset that does not depreciate, you have the option of estimating the return on the investment of the property on sale, based on its bookings history.

Pay just the commission
You'll receive monthly payouts deducted by their service fee. TriesteVillas will handle the payment of Italian taxes.

No overthinking
Issues such as outstanding fees and unwanted occupations are not contemplated, as tourists pay in advance for their short term stays. In addition you can always use the property, if needed.

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